Spirit Day- Mad about Plaid
Wear Flannel
Wear Flannel
Tree Topper- Wear holiday headgear
12/11- 12/ 14 (Monday - Thursday) Times and more information to come.
Twinkle Tuesday- Wear something bright and sparkly
Hoping for a snow day- wear white
Winter Carnival: Tunnel doors (enter playground gates Pine Street) Opens at 6:00 pm. All Students attending must be supervised by an adult. Photo Booth Holiday Karaoke $1 Craft Table Stockings & Hats personalized $5 Hot Chocolate & Coloring with the PTA Carnival Games hosted by the 8th grade Snack Sale PTA HOLIDAY WORKSHOP!! FREE- new...
Mistle-toes- wear holiday socks
Frosty Friday- wear scarves & hats
Winter Parade More info to come
Winter Vacation- Wear a holiday shirt
A letter will be sent home with times to arrive.
Grinch Day- Dress like a character from the Grinch or wear green.