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Spirit Day

Cat in the Hat- Wear your favortie hat.

Spirit Day

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish- Wear Red & Blue

Honors Assembly

Letters will be mailed home to the parents of the recipients. Certificates of Achievement will be presented at a special assembly to be held in the gymnasium on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. Please access the tunnel doors through the playground gates located on Pine Street and sign in for the assembly.  Doors...

Spirit Day

Thing 1 & Thing 2- Match with friends

#SEL Day

#SEL Day Y0ga Sessions- Students should wear comfy clothes.

Krispy Kreme Fundraiser Starts

Order forms will go home with students. Pick up day will be March 26, 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm in the main lobby.

Spirit Day

St. Patrick's Day- Wear Green

Board Meeting

The Regular Meetings will be held on the third (3rd) Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.  (with exceptions).  All meetings will be held in the Media Center, Lakehurst Elementary School, 301 Union Avenue, Lakehurst, NJ 08733 unless otherwise noted.  Formal action will be taken at Regular Meetings.  Work Sessions will be held at 6:30...

Spirit Day

First Day of Spring- Wear Bright Colors

Spirit Day

World Down Syndrome Day- Wear mismatch socks