Mother's Day Flower Sale Wednesday May 10, Thursday May 11 & Friday May 12 $1.00- per Single Bloom $5.00- per 4" Potted Plant $15.00- per Hanging basket Flowers will be sold in the front lobby of the main entrance. Please send money in a sealed envelope with your child's full name and amount. Checks can...
Mother's Day Flower Sale Wednesday May 10, Thursday May 11 & Friday May 12 $1.00- per Single Bloom $5.00- per 4" Potted Plant $15.00- per Hanging basket Flowers will be sold in the front lobby of the main entrance. Please send money in a sealed envelope with your child's full name and amount. Checks can...
Mother's Day Flower Sale Wednesday May 10, Thursday May 11 & Friday May 12 $1.00- per Single Bloom $5.00- per 4" Potted Plant $15.00- per Hanging basket Flowers will be sold in the front lobby of the main entrance. Please send money in a sealed envelope with your child's full name and amount. Checks can...
Sign in begins at 9:30 am with a warm welcome given at 10:00 am. ALL VISITORS MUST PRESENT A VALID I.D. AT THE TIME OF SIGN IN PLEASE NOTE: It is one guest per student. Please Refrain from bringing any children with you to the event. Visitors will then be able to tour the school...