Kindness Week- Spirit Day
Kindness Rocks- Wear a band t-shirt
Kindness Rocks- Wear a band t-shirt
SCHOOL CLOSED President's Day
For 8th grade students Manchester High School 101 Hawks Way Manchester Township, NJ 08759
The Regular Meetings will be held on the third (3rd) Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. (with exceptions). All meetings will be held in the Media Center, Lakehurst Elementary...
School Spirit Day: Wear Blue & Gold
Wear work out clothes
March 4- Penny Wars Begin March 13- Penny Wars End
Dress like any Dr. Seuss Character
Dress as your future dream job.
PTA Meetings are held in the Music Room from 7 pm - 8 pm
Wear you wackiest clothes, backwards, inside out or crazy hair.
Twin with a friend, class or teacher.